Tuesday, September 23, 2008

i 4gt to copy back the poem i write at other places...
it will stay at here 4eva~~copyright reserved~~

when everything seem lost~

once before,
i lost my path,
strayed into wilderness,
where nothingness rule;

once before,
i lost my light,
the light of truth,
the light of way,
the light of life;

once before,
i lost the passion,
the passion to serve,
the passion to praise,
the passion to pray;

when everything seem to be lost,
when disappointment take over,
when darkness raising up to the throne;

GOD strikes,
so hard,
so pain,
so deep;

a path is reveal in the wilderness,
right in front of me,
out from nothingness;

a star shine above,
a faint light,
that lead to the Light of Truth,
lay high above;

the heart is once again,
filled and burned again,
eager to praise the Almighty,
willing to serve the Lord,

thank you for once again,
for showing me the path,
for brightening my way,
for revive my heart...

the whisper of the skY~~

when the night fall,
darkness shroud everything around us.
moon shinning weakly on the sky,
star twinkling like fireflies,
with dark, silver coated cloud hang on the sky;
whispering something,
people below the faint lighted sky,
blinded by their own creation,
from neon to pendarflour,
shielding them, cover them
in their own ecstasy

the moon high up
the star beside
and the cloud hanging by
trying their best
shouting out
"people on the Earth,
OPEN your EyE
those Light had blinded you~
the book that covered with dust
the book that is so ancient
than anyone of your history
the book that call BIBLE
is the only book
that can show you the true path
that have the true LigHt
that lead you to Heaven"
where the moon, the star and the cloud
waiting for us
to shine bright
together to praise the LORD
worship Him forever

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