Tuesday, August 11, 2009

once u break the seal of TRUST, u cannot reseal it anymore~~

yea, even if i wont angry or 4gif bout it, bt i knw i cant easily put the TRUST on u anymore...if u lie me 1st and tell me the truth ltr, its still a lie and breakin the TRUST i put, no matter wad reason u gif...is a credibility of a person in stake, when u tarnish it, it will be hard to regain it again...i can ignore the event of happening, bt i could not ignore the fact tat u betrayed d TRUST, and whu knw u might do it again in the future...

so i make my stand clear, and u agree and promised wif me to follow it, bt in the end the other way had happen, a clear betrayal on the TRUST i put, and hence it tarnish ur credibility, no matter wad reason u gif to justify the action, the fact is thr-->the seal u broke, it wont be mend and reseal again, nt in short time and hard work, no...

my close frend knw, i hate betrayal and lie on me, as tat nite i been apologizing for the trouble caused bt in d end i knw those apologizing is a waste and not worth for me to do it...givin me 'sweet promises' and 'blank agreement' is not a gud idea...i rather u dun inform me bout it, save up all d fuss...now everythng is too late, even if u dun tell me i also knw bout it...so, dun explain too much to me, save it for urself cox i dun need it...

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