Monday, April 6, 2009

twitching english~~
haha, for ppl around me, mostly of ue might be wondering y my engliSh haF soo muCh spelLing misTake..well, ie did it purposely~~hah, beAr wiF my eNgliSh as ie lIke iT thids weay...TwItchinG d spElLing iS kiNda fUn foR me, By chAnginG its lEtTer wif Smthng else
ThR anOther stYle For mY EnglIsH, whiCh i LikE To aDd a LeTter 'y' beHind A Word~~and AlSo i Haf LodS oF rAndoM cApiTal LeTtEr likE The WaY iE WriTing dis Now..
Thr a Lods oF shortform im using all d TimE~jZ Ask mE whEn u DUn uNderStAnd d wordy~~
*miXeD 2 Much WiF tEen tAt uSe shOrtForm aLl thE time, i lEarN moSt of The SHortfoRm and Twitchin FrM tHm, MosTly FrM mAplEsTory..hah*
For tHose Knw me frM mAplE, bear Wif thIs as Most Ppl At my AgE duN uSe those TwitchiN and ShoRtfoRm likE uee DO~~
this is soo random~~juz sUddEnly wAnnA wRite WholE buNch oF thNgy wIf RanDom CaPs anD TwItch~~

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